The Influence of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Ceramic Abrasives on Ceramic Grinding Tools
The Influence of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Ceramic Abrasives on Ceramic Grinding Tools

The Influence of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Ceramic Abrasives on Ceramic Grinding Tools

Ceramic Abrasives Microhardness

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: It is the key characteristic of whether grinding can be performed. The hardness of ceramic abrasives must be higher than the hardness of the processed material.

Ceramic Abrasives Brittle

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: Different grinding requirements require different brittleness of abrasives. Generally, abrasives with lower brittleness are suitable for grinding with large volume removal, such as rough grinding, cutting, and finishing.

Ceramic Abrasives Strength

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: High-strength materials being ground should be ground with high-strength abrasives.

Ceramic Abrasives Thermal Stability

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: Under high temperature in the grinding zone, certain physical and mechanical properties must be maintained in order to continue the grinding process. Relationship with the manufacturing process of ceramic tools: The crystalline structure and other characteristics should not be affected by the firing temperature.

Ceramic Abrasives Chemical Stability

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: Ceramic abrasives and the processed materials should not undergo chemical reactions easily to avoid mutual diffusion, adhesion, and chemical wear of the abrasive grains and clogging of the grinding tools. Relationship with the manufacturing process of ceramic tools: Under the action of the atmosphere during firing and the low-melting materials of binders, the abrasives should not undergo decomposition, oxidation, or other chemical changes that can alter their properties.

Ceramic Abrasives Chemical Composition and Mineral Composition

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: Variations will affect the basic properties of abrasives and thus affect the grinding performance of the tools. Relationship with the manufacturing process of ceramic tools: Changes in the chemical composition and mineral composition of abrasives, as well as the increase of impurities, will have a series of impacts on the manufacturing process of ceramic tools, increasing the possibility of foam, black core, cracks, deformation, etc.

Ceramic Abrasives Capillary Phenomena (Room Temperature and High Temperature Wettability of Abrasives)

Relationship with the manufacturing process of ceramic tools: At the time of mixing, if the cheap abrasives have poor room temperature wettability, it will affect the uniform distribution of additives and the bonding between abrasives and additives. During firing, if the high-temperature wettability of the abrasives is poor, it will affect the flow and distribution of binders, thereby affecting the bonding strength between abrasive grains and binders.

Ceramic Abrasives Surface Topography and Micro Defects

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: It has certain effects on the brittleness and strength of abrasives, especially micro cracks, micro pores, etc., which have a greater impact. Relationship with the manufacturing process of ceramic tools: Abrasive grains with rougher surfaces can bond better with binders compared to smoother ones. Therefore, different characteristics of binders should be selected based on the surface topography of abrasive grains.

Ceramic Abrasives Piling Density

Relationship with the manufacturing process of ceramic tools: It will affect the piling density of the molding material, especially when the molding density is controlled by pressure, it will have an impact on the density of the tool blanks, thereby affecting the hardness and structure of the tools.

Ceramic Abrasives Particle Size Composition

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: If the particle size composition of ceramic abrasives changes too much, it will affect the grinding efficiency and surface roughness of the tools. Relationship with the manufacturing process of ceramic tools: Unstable particle size composition of abrasives will affect the hardness stability of the tools, especially for fine-grained tools.

Ceramic Abrasives Magnetic Material Content

Relationship with the performance of grinding tools: Magnetic materials will form hard spots in the tools after high-temperature firing, which will deteriorate the surface quality of the workpiece, increase the possibility of burns, scratches, and surface roughness. Relationship with the manufacturing process of cheap abrasives and ceramic tools: The hard spots formed will have different colors from other parts of the tools, affecting the appearance of the tools.